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SKM470S Holzmann manual beading machine
Product Highlights SKM470S Holzmann manual beading machine
- solid construction
- suitable for the production of various pipe connections
- incl. 6 different beading rollers
- max. material thicknes
- mild steel: 0,8 mm
- stainless steel: 0,5 mm
- cold rolled steel: 0,6 mm
- aluminium: 1,3 mm
- brass soft: 1,1 mm
- brass 1/2 hard: 0,7 mm
- bronze: 0,8 mm
- copper soft: 1,1 mm
- hard copper: 0,8 mm
Technical data SKM470S Holzmann manual beading machine
General dimensions- Aufstellmaß in mm: 760x410x1120
- Gross weight in kg: 39.50
- max. working depth in mm: 470
- roller spacing in mm: 50
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