Zarges ladders online | Zarges dealer

For many years, a Zarges ladder has epitomised high, almost indestructible quality. Zarges offers a suitable ladder for every application. Depending on the design, Zarges ladders can be used as a traffic route or as a safe working platform. Here in BHM Maschinen Onlineshop you will find Zarges ladders to suit your requirements as well as common Zarges ladder spare parts and accessories.

Zarges ladder Megastep L
from 289,90 EUR
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1 to 72 (from a total of 84)

Frequently asked questions about Zarges ladders:

What is the difference between rung ladders, stepladders and fixed ladders?

Unlike fixed ladders, rung ladders and stepladders are mobile. They are not permanently installed at the place of use. A fixed ladder runs vertically or almost vertically up a building wall and is firmly anchored. Rungs and stepladders from Zarges are used at a much greater angle. These two mobile ladder designs differ in the way they are normally used. The tread width of rung ladders is narrower than that of stepladders. For this reason, rung ladders must not be used as a work platform. They are only part of a traffic route. The tread width of stepladders is larger, so these ladders may be used as a work platform.

What is the advantage of a Zarges aluminium ladder compared to wooden or steel ladders?

The advantage of a Zarges aluminium ladder is its significantly lower weight compared to a Zarges ladder made of other materials such as wood or steel. The specific weight of wood is lower than that of aluminium, but as hollow aluminium profiles are used to manufacture the ladders, Zarges aluminium ladders are nevertheless lighter. Due to the lower weight, a Zarges aluminium ladder can be carried easily and quickly from one place of use to the next without much effort. Steel ladders are used almost exclusively for fixed installations due to their heavy weight.

Where are Zarges ladders made of GRP used?

A Zarges ladder made of GRP is designed for special applications. GRP is the abbreviation for glass fibre reinforced plastic. This material is very light and highly resilient, resistant to many chemicals and electrically insulating. These professional ladders are therefore particularly suitable for flexible use in chemical plants and in electrical environments. The material offers particularly high chemical resistance and fulfils the requirements of DIN EN 61478 and VDE 0682 section 6.5 category 1/30 KV in terms of insulation against electrical current. The material of a Zarges GRP conductor is also resistant to ageing in accordance with DIN EN ISO 4892-2.

What is the difference between single and multi-section vertical ladders?

In the case of fixed ladders, a distinction is made between single and double or multi-pull versions. With a single-section ladder, the ladder leads from the starting point to the end point in one go without interruption. With a multi-part ladder from Zarges, several ladder sections are staggered in order to be able to install intermediate platforms. This means that the second section of the Zarges ladder is mounted laterally offset in relation to the first section. Any subsequent third section can then be fitted in line with the first section. A multi-sectional fixed ladder can also consist of more than three sections.

What is the maximum load for Zarges aluminium rung ladders?

If a so-called rung ladder is used, then this Zarges ladder may be loaded with a maximum of 150 kg when designed as an aluminium ladder. If the load is higher, the ladder stiles may bend too much and the ladder may fail completely. Zarges rung single ladders fulfil the requirements of the EN 131 standard for professional ladders. Zarges also offers aluminium rung ladders with a higher load capacity. Zarges aluminium ladders with rungs in the so-called Megastep version can be loaded with up to 250 kg without the risk of the ladder structure being unable to withstand this load.

Are Zarges ladder spare parts available in the BHM Maschinen Onlineshop?

Here in the BHM online shop you will find all spare parts and original accessories for your Zarges ladder. From lightweight aluminium safety railings to safety roof hooks, trolleys and picking trays, you will find everything you need to supplement and adapt your Zarges ladder to your individual requirements in our online shop. If you have any questions about Zarges ladder spare parts and accessories, please give us a call. Our friendly service staff will be happy to advise you free of charge and without obligation on all questions relating to Zarges ladders.

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