Sheet metal pressing: How it's done

Knowledge about sheet metal pressing:

Various industries use different components made of sheet metal. As a rule, these sheet metals have a specific shape that is adapted to the intended use. For example, to be used as a housing or holder. Sheet metal forming by pressing makes it possible to produce almost any shaped part from flat metal sheets up to several millimetres thick. Sheet metal forming is a cost-effective process for the precise production of various components for motor vehicles, machinery and equipment in large quantities. In this guide, we answer the most important questions about sheet metal pressing.

Bernardo DP 3 Turning arbor press
333,90 EUR
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Bernardo HWP 30 Hydraulic workshop press with movable cylinder
6.019,90 EUR
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ELMAG Hydraulic workshop press PREMIUM WPMH 30
2.345,90 EUR
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